Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Memberships not tickets

Port Fairy Film Society is a member of the Victoria Federation of Film Societies. We abide by their rules in the spirit of communities celebrating the love of cinema rather than profit. This enables us to special pricing which helps smaller communities like ours access less commercial films.

As a result, we sell
memberships, NOT individual tickets to screenings.

Memberships are priced as follows:
$30 /$24 conc *
three monthly film society screenings
$55 /$45 conc
six monthly film society screenings
$110 /$90 conc
annual membership
*Three month members can choose to pay half on first visit and half on second visit.

All Membership prices include membership to Port Fairy Community House.
Note: This does not apply to non-Film Society screenings such as fundraisers, special events and summer screenings. Individual tickets are sold at these screenings.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

No Country for Old Men - August 15th

Is this the baddest bad guy in film history? Have the Coen Brothers, in directing Javier Bardem - Oscar winner for Best Actor in a disturbing wig - created a cinematic villain to rival even Robert Mitchum’s 1955 turn in The Night of The Hunter?

Click above to view trailer:

No Country for Old Men is Port Fairy Film Society’s August screening this Friday 15th August at 7.30pm.

No Country for Old Men is classic suspenseful cinema with all the elements: a drug deal gone wrong, a suitcase full of cash and a down-on-his-luck nice guy who makes the choice to pick it up and run. Bardem’s Anton Chigurh isn’t pleased with that decision, and it’s on for young and old, as they say.

A stellar cast that includes Tommy Lee-Jones, Woody Harrelson, Josh Brolin and Kelly Macdonald delivers the Coen Brothers their most critically acclaimed film since Fargo. With stunning backdrops and a mood of quiet, slow menace throughout, No Country for Old Men is a violent romp through the American desert and into Mexico. It’s a nasty but thrilling business - think Cape Fear meets The Proposition.

“It's the unexpected nature of the characters and what happens to them that makes this return to form from the Coen Brothers both intriguing and satisfying,” wrote Louise Keller from Urban Cinefile.

“Everything about this film is absolutely wonderful. I mean, it is the most tense thriller,” said Margaret Pomeratz from ABC TV’s At the Movies, where both Margaret and David gave the film five stars.

Screening starts at 7.30pm. Memberships, tea, coffee and lollies are available at the door from 7.15pm