The Counterfeiters is Port Fairy Film Society’s November screening this Friday 7.30pm.
Salomon Sorowitsch is regarded as ‘the most charming scoundrel in Berlin’ and the best counterfeiter in the world. As his fellow Jews begin disappearing, he is given the chance by the Nazis to save himself by forging money to help bankroll the war effort. Sal chooses life. ‘Nobody’s prepared to die for a principle,” he says.
This year’s winner of Best Foreign Film Oscar, The Counterfeiters is based on a true story. Like last year’s German drama The Lives of Others, this film explores the moral murkiness of collusion. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, but at what cost to conscience?
Karl Markovics’ portrayal of a Sal, a man who understands that to survive he must sacrifice others, has been lauded for its understated power.
"What distinguishes The Counterfeiters is the masterfully subtle manner by which (director Stefan) Ruzowitzky gets under your guard and wreaks havoc with your conscience," wrote Jim Schembri in The Age.
"One of the most vital releases of 2008," wrote Leigh Paatch from the Herald Sun.
Click below to watch preview:
Screening starts at 7.30pm. Memberships at the door, tea and coffee provided. For more info contact Damien on 55681358