This Fridays Film screening at Port Fairy’s Reardon Theatre is a much talked about and lauded American film starring Annette Bening and Juliette Moore exploring the life of a modern family with the added complexity of a same sex couple, their two teenage children and the arrival of the biological father(Mark Ruffalo) into their lives after many years. “The Kids are All right” unfolds with many emerging dramas and is funny, vibrant and entertaining throughout.
At the Movies shows David Stratton sums it up as;
“The Kids are All Right is funny, touching and honest, all the elements that make independent cinema so much more rewarding, most of the time, than the mainstream.”
“The Kids are All right” is rated MA and screens at 7:30pm on Friday November 19th. Membership tickets go on sale from 7:10pm. All welcome, free tea and coffee provided.