This Friday’s Port Fairy film is the highly acclaimed independently made "Winters Bone", Winner of the 2010 Sundance Grand Jury Prize and nominated for four academy awards including best actress for Jennifer Lawrence, the film is directed by Debra Granik and based on a novel by Daniel Woodrell.
Set in the rural poverty of the Ozark Mountains it opens with seventeen-year-old Ree Dolly (Lawrence) who sets out to track down her bail-jumping dad after he uses the family home to secure his bond. Failing to find him will mean that she, her mother and siblings will have to fend
for themselves in the bitter Ozark woods. Overcoming her kin's code of silence and threats of retribution and violence, she slowly uncovers the truth behind her father's disappearance.
Standing out in this film is Jennifer Lawrence's indomitable performance as a young woman pushed to breaking point by the will to survive, and the desire to remain loyal to local customs, is a truly standout piece of work.
Critics describe Winters Bone as "..spectacular for its humanity, austere beauty and heart stopping urgency " Wall Street Journal. ABC's "At the Movies" critics Margaret and David have both awarded it 4 and a 1/2 stars and was Margaret’s favourite film for 2010. It was also voted by Movie fans at Number 16 in the 2010 At the Movies Top 100 movies viewers poll.
Winters Bone is rated MA 15+ and screens this Friday March 18th at the Reardon Street Theatre Port Fairy at 7:30pm.
All welcome new and old members,
Free Tea and Coffee.. see you round the urn…
Kathy Sanderson President