Thursday, September 15, 2011

This Fridays screening is Babies……

Four countries, four babies from birth to first steps..…a mesmerizing look at the world of babies.
This Friday night the Port Fairy Film Society is looking forward to bringing the delightful and extraordinary documentary “Babies”. It captures on film the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at “once unique and universal to us all.” The children are, in order of the screening Ponijao, who lives in Namibia, them Bayarjargal, who resides with his family in Mongolia, near Bayanchandmani; Mari who lives in Tokyo and Hattie from San Francisco, California.

The French film maker Thomas Blames has chosen four very contrasting parts of the world to capture the universal truths of a common existence where from the time of birth, we observe babies experience the beginning of their  journey into the world , their families, their environment  and their culture.  This is all presented in an observational style, without narration and only the occasional squeals and sounds of the babies as they interact with their surroundings, siblings, parents and animals. The film is captivating and mesmerizing in its simplicity and a joy to watch. Movie goers should find this an enjoyable and engaging way to pass the time in a warm and welcoming theatre on a Friday night.
Margaret from “At the Movies” gives “Babies” 4 **** “Babies” is Rated PG and screens at 7:30pm on Friday September 16th at the Reardon Theatre.  All Welcome.
Tuesday Classics:                                                                  The Tuesday classics continues its current season with its second film on Tuesday September 27th with the Classic “Paint your Wagon” from 1:30 pm at the Reardon Theatre. All welcome.