Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Spectacular Science Film Festival Free!!!

The spectacular beauty of the Antarctic, Earth and the Moon will be explored on the Big Screen in four excellent films this Friday and Saturday at the Reardon Theatre Port Fairy. The screenings are free.

The program provides a wonderful insight into human exploration of our world at all levels.

This marvellous Festival of free science themed films with drinks and refreshments is presented by the Royal Inst of Science in conjunction with Free Range Films, ACMI and the Port Fairy Film Society, with funding by the Victorian Government.

Friday 14 May 11.30am & 1.30pm

The spectacular BBC documentary by Mike Linfield about a year of life on Earth in large screen detail, as told through the lives of polar bears, elephants, whales, caribou, cranes and the Earth itself . G 96mins

"visually you have to gasp at some of the images captured here, they really strike home just how beautiful and complex this planet earth is with its multiplicity of species, reaffirming how much we ought to treasure it.” Margaret Pomeranz , ABC, 3.5 Stars

Friday 14 May 7.30 pm
The Fox and the Child
Luc Jaquet’s (March of the Penguin’s)part fiction and documentary beautiful story of a young girl who forms a friendship with a fox in the French country side, and the quite scary(for young children) and dangerous, natural life of the predatory fox, narrated by Kate Winslet. The film is told primarily from the fox’s perspective. G 94 mins

“The film has some amazing moments,.. the most amazing is the relationship between the child and the fox, I don’t know how it was achieved but it’s pretty impressive… Luc Jacquet …does animals really well.” Margaret Pomeranz , ABC,
3.5 stars

Saturday 15 May 2.00pm
In the Shadow of the Moon

Ten of the surviving Apollo astronauts tell their story of their visits to the Moon in David Sington’s marvellous documentary. It shows footage never seen before recounted in terms of its human as well as technical achievement. A big inspirational film to be seen on the big screen. G. 96mins

“Documentaries can be so great at times, and this is one of them. I sat absolutely captured, in a high degree of tension for much of the time, not just by what was achieved by these men but by how they actually felt about that experience.” Margaret Pomeranz, ABC, 4.5 Stars

Saturday 15 May 7.30pm
Encounters at the End of the World

This visually stunning documentary by Werner Herzog about life in an Antarctic station shows the sometimes eccentric human side of our scientific exploration at the end of our world. With humour and respect, it also shows the raw beauty of the Antarctic including some magnificent underwater scenes. G 99 mins 3.5stars David Stratton, ABC.

The Science Film Festival sponsors

Free Range Films is part of a wider series of science themed events
that are run in regional Victoria, the idea being to provide free opportunities for people in regional areas to engage in science in a fun, entertaining and relevant way. In conjunctionwith Deakin University, they are also involved with the Warrnambool Kids Festival. Contact Adam Strang, Programs Coordinator, The Science Exchange www.riaus.org.au<http://www.riaus.org.au/>


1 comment:

Biju Mohan said...

National Science film festival-India will be organised in 4-7 January 2011 at Chennai. The best science films produced in india and abroad will be screened during the festival. We would like to collaborate with other international science film festival around the world. plz visit www.rvcm.org. contact infojahanemedia@gmail.com, gbijumohan@gmail.com